adobe campaign recipient table. Sign In. adobe campaign recipient table

 Sign Inadobe campaign recipient table  In the Data to extract window, select Primary key, First name, Last name and Email

If the delivery table is an external table, you will need to make additional configurations. In the offer space, go to the Storage tab and click the Add button. Hello, If you need to force regeneration of all schema, for example to solve certain dependency problems in the reverse links, you can launch the following command from the Adobe Campaign application server: nlserver config -postupgrade -instance:`<instance_name>' -force You must then restart the. Then select the Data linked to the filtering dimension option, select the Competition results table and click Next. For on-premise installations and hosted/hybrid installations using the legacy Campaign MTA, the Adobe Campaign messaging server applies a single Domain management rule to all domains. Sign In. To view and dialog with the new recipient table in the Adobe Campaign interface, apply the following steps: Create a new form to edit the content of the new recipient table. To create a service, click the Create button located above the list. By default, you can use Profiles and Targets > Jobs > Targeting workflows. Insert a list with group via the toolbar and enter its label, for instance: List of deliveries per campaign. You can use the default Recipient table with the. Click the Configure list icon. We are trying to make environment GDPR ready. Check it here . Adobe Campaign offers other target mappings for your deliveries, to be used based on your needs. , a record in the nmsRecipient table or an external table containing cookie ID, Customer ID, mobile identifier or other information relevant to a particular Channel) representing an end-customer, prospect, or lead. The root element of the schema must contain the extendedSchema. Targeted persons / recipients. Quarantine therefore allows you to avoid being added to denylist by these providers. The channels are used. Select the type of formula to be used: aggregate, existing user filter or expression. Then click Next. In Adobe Campaign, recipients are the default profiles targeted for sending deliveries (emails, SMS, etc. csv" should be joined on "customer_cic" and update the columns: flg_correo and flag_sms (on abc:Recipients). . This comprehensive graphical environment lets you design processes including segmentation, campaign execution, file processing, human. Whether you import data from a local file or from a SFTP, they allow you to standardize your data management procedures. The Operation type field lets you choose the process to be carried out on the data in the database: Insert or update: add data or update it if it has already been added. Sign In. Enter the list name in the Label field and, if necessary, change the internal name. NmsRecipient {#NmsRecipient} . Click the personalization icon and select Conditional content > If. Create a new “My Logo” personalization block with “My_Logo” as an internal name. The default StoredProcedure that manage the sequences is set to loop back to negative idSeed if the current Seed is greater than 2 100 000 000 :With Adobe Campaign, you can use rich customer data to create, coordinate, and deliver dynamic campaigns that customers actually want — through email, mobile, offline channels, and more. The steps for building a query in Adobe Campaign are as follows: Select the work table. The descriptive analysis wizard can be launched via the Tools > Descriptive analysis menu: in this case, the analysis concerns recipients by default ( nms:recipient ). Transactional messaging data model. If you want to expire cryptedId's, you can reload the data in recipient table. In the split activity, specify the subsets to create, according to the Event column. Community home Advertising Analytics Audience Manager Campaign Classic v7 & Campaign v8 Campaign Standard Developer Experience Cloud Experience Manager Sites & More Experience Platform Journey Optimizer Target Real-Time Customer Data. In schema I can see some MD5 key being generated, but when I export the schema, it is not in the exported file. Is there a better way to do the join without having to load the entire "Recipients. Click the Add button. Create a pressure rule. In this case, the name and possibly the record folder are computed. While the physical key of the Recipient table is the “id” attribute, it is possible to determine a custom key in addition. Create a new workflow. It is the default table used for the recipients of deliveries. Linking survey responses to a recipient. Experience League. User consent and data retention: you must get user consent,. Developer. Access requests: the recipient’s data stored in Adobe Campaign is generated and made available as an XML file in the left part of the request screen. The impacts are as follows: overconsumption of disk space, thus affecting database access, indexes which have not been regularly updated, which. Use the same variable to query the nms:recipient table and fetch the details of the recipient. lastName %> syntax. The page talks about setting up a custom recipient table. Manual monitoring. In the Storage path column, select the storage field in the proposition table. This occurs when there is a need to map tables that have already been created in the database. Recipient data stored in the database enable you to filter the target and add personalization data. Email channel parameters. Creating the data schema. Learn. Fill the recipient ID in the comunications_preference table. In Adobe Campaign, recipients are the default profiles targeted for sending deliveries (emails, SMS, etc. Step 3 - Define the condition Configure the interface. Learn. Better understand the tracking difference between a person/people and a recipient in Adobe Campaign with this example. The built-in recipient table has a number of predefined fields and tables that can be easily extended using an extension table. Specify whether the template is destined for hypotheses on offers or deliveries via. Learn how to create filters for a custom table With Adobe Campaign, you can use rich customer data to create, coordinate, and deliver dynamic campaigns that customers actually want — through email, mobile, offline channels, and more. To add a field or other element to one of the core data schemas in Campaign, such as the recipient table (nms:recipient), you have to extend that schema. Choose: Last name, First name, Email, City and Account number. See Adobe. It applies to all the data in the Adobe Campaign database. The configuration steps are as follows: General parameters. To make your delivery successful, you want to send the most relevant personalized content to the right recipients. Send using multiple waves: use this option to send your messages in batches rather than to your whole audience at once. Topics: Audiences. Then click Next. So, go ahead and click Close and then click Finish, click Ok. Select the column to display, for example the age of the recipients, and click Ok. The descriptive analysis wizard can be launched via the Tools > Descriptive analysis menu: in this case, the analysis concerns recipients by default ( nms:recipient ). I am working with a situation where all the data is held in external tables (Snowflake) accessed via FDA in Adobe Campaign 7 Classic. Learn how to create filters for a custom table With Adobe Campaign, you can use rich customer data to create, coordinate, and deliver dynamic campaigns that customers actually want — through email, mobile, offline channels, and more. The Recipient table in grey represents the main customer table around which everything is being built: To access the description of each table, go to Admin > Configuration > Data schemas, select a resource from the list and click the Documentation tab. About workflows. NmsRecipient {#NmsRecipient} . Rights management. For a better understanding of Campaign built-in tables and their interaction, refer to this section. Create a new web application to access the custom table via the Adobe Campaign home page. Verify that the link has been set up correctly. XPath is a syntax that lets you locate a node in the tree of an XML document. Use an external recipient table. This custom key is the actual record primary key in the external system feeding Adobe Campaign. Beginner User This sample will help you understanding the difference between a person/a people and a recipient in Adobe Campaign. Click Next. , a record in the nmsRecipient table or an external table containing cookie ID, Customer ID, mobile identifier or other information relevant to a particular Channel) representing an end-customer, prospect, or lead. The "view" attribute tells Adobe that the table behind the respective schema should not be updated when the schema changes. an “Out of office” reply) that matched the ‘Auto_replies’ inbound email rules. First create a new field in the comunications_preference schema to store the recipient ID. When starting with Adobe Campaign, you need to assess the default data model to check which table is the best suited to store your marketing data. Enter an ID and a label, and select the Limit the line count option in the Data collected field. Sort the columns to display them in the right order. Quick linksPerform a mass update. These filters will be available in the target selection window with the same functionalities as segments for recipients (using parameter input forms, folders, etc. To configure URLs, select the Display URLs option in the lower section of the delivery wizard. Q2 - I am query based on fields from filtering dimension here my targeting dim is recipient and filtering dimension is custom table say AAA. Learn more about built-in profiles and recipient tables in this section. SOAP methodsHi All, How can we delete a delivery if the target has been deleted from the recipient table. I have a Recipients tablet extension. e. XPath is a syntax that lets you locate a node in the tree of an XML document. User. Hi guys, I'd like to configure an import WF that, from a csv file (name,surname,email) will send campaigns to these users, without any - 307501. Creating and configuring schemas linked to the custom table. This lets delivery recipients or website visitors share information with their network: from adding a link to their Facebook or Twitter profile to sending a message to a friend. In the delivery window, select the delivery template suitable for the channel. Adobe Campaign: Subscribe to Services:. Accelerate your Campaign learning with the Adobe Campaign Mentorship Program 2023! Read More. For your case, it doesn't surprise me that the recipient extension doesn't have the 'view' attribute. Select data. To create a data schema, apply the following steps: Open the Adobe Campaign Explorer and select the Administration > Configuration > Data schemas node. Step 2: create the personalization block: Go to the Resources > Campaign management > Personalization blocks menu of the Adobe Campaign console. Choose the Create a new table in the data template option and click Next . To do this, click the Explorer link on the Adobe Campaign home page. Sign In. Then, in the Expression column, click Edit expression. Reports based on a schema that is specific to the default Adobe Campaign recipients (nm:recipient or schema linked) must be re-developed in order to take into account the data from the custom table and its tables linked via the target mapping (see the Target mapping section). Use an external recipient table. Select 'Database schema' and 'nms:recipient' as the Target schema. To configure this activity, enter its label and select the main recipient set: the population from the main set lets you construct the result. You can choose whether or not to activate certain identification standards and encryption keys to check the domain name, such as Sender ID , DomainKeys , DKIM. Here we want to sort account numbers in. Apply the following stages: Edit the Administration > Configuration > Data schemas node of the Adobe Campaign tree and click New . Is a sort configured? Yes, based on Account number and Last name. Some internet access providers automatically consider emails as spam if the rate of invalid addresses is too high. For example, between a recipient and the subscriptions table. Bounces and non-deliverables by cause and domain. Hi , The Column which is used as Joining Key in the Enrichment (The field "recipients" and "comunications_preference" share is: "codinternocomputacional") differs from the joining keys being used in the Link (<join xpath-dst="@id" xpath-src="@RECIPIENTID"/>). With Adobe Campaign, you can use rich customer data to create, coordinate, and deliver dynamic campaigns that customers actually want — through email, mobile, offline channels, and more. Most organizations are importing records from external systems. From this page, you can create new recipient, edit an existing recipient and access its profile details. Q3 - I am querying from BBB which is a custom table and using union to combine results from intersection and leads. Click Tools > Generic query editor… and choose the Recipients ( nms:recipient) table. To create the corresponding schema, apply the following stages: Edit the Administration>Configuration>Data schemas node of the Adobe Campaign tree and click New . Dynamic Reporting provides fully customizable and real-time reports. This can be data belonging to the filtering dimension or data stored in linked tables. The data of the Adobe Campaign database and the existing lists can be updated using two dedicated activities: The List update activity lets you store worktables in a datalist. When I query Targeting dimension as Recipient & Filtering Dimension as brData and condition as BR_Code = 'A',it returns all customers in Recipient table with BR_Code as A but when I try to personalize. 8K. What are the filtering conditions of the recipients? city and email domain. The purpose of an extension table is to avoid limitations on the number of fields supported in a table, or to optimize the space occupied by the data, which is consumed on demand. To do this, apply the following steps: Create a new data schema which integrates the fields of the custom table that you want to use. To create a new Group type list, apply the following steps: Click the Create button and select New list. Installation and configuration of the Adobe Campaign platform: check network. Most organizations are importing records from external systems. Select the country table in the Target schema field. Schedule the delivery sending. When creating a custom table, you have two options: Solved: Hi all, I have created a workflow to migrate all entries of an external table into Adobe Campaign recipient table. Hi Badr, Do you know how this visibility is toggled? If yes, can you please let me know how I can do that? e. It can also be created using the Create the list if necessary (Computed name) and Create the list if necessary (Computed Folder and Name) options. Click the Table data XPath… link and select the delivery link, i. Profile means a record of information (e. This table has a number of pre-defined fields and tables that can be easily extended. Adobe Campaign comes with a built-in profile table: nmsRecipient. Last update: 2023-07-31. To create conditional content according to the value of a field, apply the following steps: Click the personalization icon and select Conditional content > If. An <attribute> element must have a unique name within an <element>. To create a cube, follow the steps below: Click the New button above the list of cubes. Community home Advertising Analytics Audience Manager Campaign Classic v7 & Campaign v8 Campaign Standard Developer Experience Cloud Experience Manager Sites & More Experience Platform Journey Optimizer Target Real-Time. For now, I have reinstalled the Adobe campaign and exported the recipient schema to avoid this hassle later. Standard schema. As a consequence, using a custom recipient table can be a good option when your datamodel differs drastically from Campaign built-in recipient table structure, or if you have a large. Select the campaign from the drop-down list of the Folder. For the email section select @email2 attribute as the column that will hold email address. Click the New button located above the list of workflows. For example, in the recipient table, the advanced fields are Boolean 1, Boolean 2, Boolean 3, Foreign key of “Folder” link, etc. This table matches the nms:recipient schema. When creating a new deliveyr, ensure that relevant target mapping is selected by going into the To menu. Packages can contain different kinds of configurations, elements, filtered or not. The images entered in the HTML output document can be referenced with absolute or relative references. Recipient means the end user that receives Customer's message via any available Channel. So, if a customer requests us to delete his/her records, how can we make sure that the scheduled deliveries, pertaining to him, also gets deleted/stopped. You can then select the type of filtering to apply: You can select recipients using the types of targeting defined in the database. By default, the fields offered are from the Recipient table. Click the Add button. Select the NmsPipeline_Config option. Refer to Step 1 - Choose a table. Tracking indicators. Person, people and recipients With Adobe Campaign, you can use rich customer data to create, coordinate, and deliver dynamic campaigns that customers actually want —. Thanks to the recipient data that are stored in the database, you will be able to filter the target that will receive any given delivery and to add personalization data in your delivery contents. Creating and configuring schemas linked to the custom table. For more on the content of these reports, refer to this section. Firstly, create a query activity in your workflow that joins the delivery logs and the recipient table based on the recipient ID. The outgoing transition will have the pk's of the upserted nms:recipient rows to use for your custom table's recipient-id fk. Select the Access data from an existing table or an SQL view option and click Next . Hello, If you need to force regeneration of all schema, for example to solve certain dependency problems in the reverse links, you can launch the following command from the Adobe Campaign application server: nlserver config -postupgrade -instance:`<instance_name>' -force You must then restart the. The option value must correspond to the name of the schema which matches the external recipient table. The Adobe Campaign default data model is presented in this document. Adobe Campaign lets you design and orchestrate targeted and personalized campaigns on multiple channels: email, direct mail, SMS, push notification. Click Tools > Generic query editor… and choose the Recipients ( nms:recipient) table. EventsI am using ACC v7 and have setup a web application that uses the survey module to enable customers to provide extra information about themselves. Choose: Last name, First name, Email, City and Account number. In Adobe Campaign, daily updates from external systems are made via a CSV or TXT file. For each URL of the message, you can choose. To target another table (visitor table for anonymous offers or a. Notice that the NmsRecipients table is the value in the from argument of the query. When creating a custom table, you have two options:Solved: Hi all, I have created a workflow to migrate all entries of an external table into Adobe Campaign recipient table. The global statistics on browser use are presented in the form of a table of values and a chart. Level 3. The Adobe Campaign application server was designed for openness and easy integration with increasingly diverse and complex company information systems. Recipient data stored in the database enable you to filter the target that will receive any given delivery and to add personalization data in your delivery contents. This will destroy information related to the id's, comprising the tables in this pic, along with any custom tables that use @recipient-id:Get started with campaign typologies. Double-check your active target mappings. Only <element> elements can contain <attribute> elements and <element> elements in the XML structure. Each entity contained in a. Clicked on the “LEARN MORE” custom link. I feel that if an extension table is used it would be ok for my requirement as all out of box functionalities will come along with that. When you have your content ready, you need to carefully define who will receive your message. The outgoing transition will have the pk's of the upserted nms:recipient rows to use for your custom table's recipient-id fk. 7K. For more advanced profile manipulations, access the Campaign tree from the Explorer link on the Adobe Campaign home page. So I am still using the Recipient table (i. Refer to Step 2 - Choose data to extract. This will destroy information related to the id's, comprising the tables in this pic, along with any custom tables that use @recipient-id:To create a hypothesis template, apply the following steps: In the Adobe Campaign explorer, click Resources>Templates>Hypothesis templates. Browse to Profiles and targets to access recipients stored in Adobe Campaign database. NmsRecipient. But what if we want to push real-time data to Adobe Campaign, and more specifically to the recipient table? Then we have to make use of SOAP web services. Select the schema which contains the elements you want to explore (also known as the ‘fact schema’). This means that the delivery succeeded but Adobe Campaign received an auto-reply from the recipient (e. Regards, Pravallika. Right-click Recipient then select Actions and Modify the options of the targeting dimensions. Refer to Step 3 - Sort data. This step appears when importing recipients only and when using the default Adobe Campaign recipients table (nms:recipient). Their target mapping therefore uses the fields of the nms:recipient table. This occurs when there is a need to map tables that have already been created in the database. Select the Limit the selected records option. Reports based on a schema that is specific to the default Adobe Campaign recipients (nm:recipient or schema linked) must be re-developed in order to take into account the data from the custom table and its tables linked via the target mapping (see the Target mapping section). There are many Adobe Campaign modules. The list of tables to maintain depends on your version of Adobe Campaign, how you use it and on the datamodel configuration. Adobe Campaign includes a workflow module that empowers you to orchestrate the full range of processes and tasks across the different modules of the application server. Adobe Campaign Classic allows marketers to design cross-channel customer experiences and provides an environment for visual campaign orchestration, real time interaction management, and cross channel execution. Last update: 2023-09-07. The following list contains only the tables most subject to fragmentation. I feel that if an extension table is used it would be ok for my requirement as all out of box functionalities. Accelerate your Campaign learning with the Adobe Campaign Mentorship Program 2023! Read More. The Adobe Campaign database is the data source. Hi, In ACS is it possible to use an own new custom table other than the OOTB Profile table to configure a new Target Mapping. [query/delivery]. Here we want to sort account numbers in descending order and names. Create a new target mapping taking nms:recipient as the targeting dimension. Instance settings. Other tables linked to the Recipient table also contain. Community home Advertising Analytics Audience Manager Campaign Classic v7 & Campaign v8 Campaign Standard Developer Experience Cloud Experience Manager. You can retrieve call data when the proposition is generated or when it is accepted (when the person clicks on the offer. g. You should double-click on the "folder" link from the recipient table: And then, double-click on the folder that you want to insert the recipients into: Views. <input xpath="@workField"/> Save your changes. Examples of JavaScript code in workflows | Adobe Campaign. When the delivery has been sent and tracking activated, the Tracking technical workflow is in charge of retrieving the tracking data. Click Tools > Generic query editor… and choose the Recipients ( nms:recipient) table. If you have a list of invalid addresses, Adobe recommends importing it to the quarantine table, through Administration > Campaign Management > Non deliverables Management > Non deliverables and addresses. Then click Next. Adobe Campaign comes with a built-in profile table: nmsRecipient. Firstly, create a query activity in your workflow that joins the delivery logs and the recipient table based on the recipient ID. Query the recipient table. In the sorting window, sort the names alphabetically. With Adobe Campaign, you can use rich customer data to create, coordinate, and deliver dynamic campaigns that customers actually want — through email, mobile, offline channels, and more. Use an external recipient table. To analyze a table other than the standard recipients one ( nms:recipient ), click the Advanced settings… link in the. This enables access to the list of tables available in the external base. Repeat the operation to insert the name of the recipient. In case the given solutions were helpful, then kindly choose the one that helped you the most as the 'Correct Reply'. Select the data to extract. Which table should we select? The recipient table (nms:recipient) Fields to be selected as output columns Email, Name, City and Account number Adobe Campaign comes with a built-in profile table: nmsRecipient. We can see that the recipient data from previous ad-hoc list load sends is stored in Adobe Campaign, we're looking for guidance on how we can configure a new query to look at list-load delivery. So, it will pull the data from Postgres and. Thanks Milan for the information. However, in the structure of Leads table I see it is linked to Recipients. User. From the Table name field, choose the. For example, you can add the “Loyalty” field to the Recipient table. BR_Code BR_Name BR_Manager_Name BR_Manager_EMAIL_ID - 278902The option to communicate with external systems is a cool feature to have in any platform. In the Data to extract window, select Primary key, First name, Last name and Email. Experience League. For more on this, refer to the Extending a schema. Select the creation folder for the new list. The survey successfully submits the information and this information can be viewed in the responses. I have a question, if a recipient profile is accidentally deleted from Profile and Targets using the delete button towards the right hand - 286655. Example: The Personalization field option for the insert icon lets you add a database field into the content, such as the recipient’s name. To create this example, apply the following steps: Click Tools > Generic query editor… and choose the Recipients (nms:recipient) table. Permalink; Print; Report; Hi all, is there a nice way to delete recipients from nms:recipient table without jeopardizing normal AC functioning (to delete customers in. Most organizations are importing records from external systems. Right-click the Age column in the recipient list, and select Filter on this column. Is a sort configured? Yes, based on Account number and Last name. With Adobe Campaign, you can use rich customer data to create, coordinate, and deliver dynamic campaigns that customers actually want — through email, mobile, offline channels, and more. So everytime a client recieves an email, their manager also recieves it. Double-check your active target mappings. To create seed addresses, follow the steps below: Click the New button above the list of seed addresses. Learn how to create filters for a custom table With Adobe Campaign, you can use rich customer data to create, coordinate, and deliver dynamic campaigns that customers actually want — through email, mobile, offline channels, and more. Use an external recipient table; Use case: select seed addresses on criteria; Use case: configure the field substitution; A/B testing. With Adobe Campaign, you can use rich customer data to create, coordinate, and deliver dynamic campaigns that customers actually want — through email, mobile, offline channels, and more. These are all the fields defined in the recipients table, whether standard fields (typically: last name, first name, address, town, date of birth, etc. Create or extend Campaign schemas. As a result, it contains the information required for deliveries via the various channels: ; sEmail: email. Tip: Message tracking is enabled by default. First create a new field in the comunications_preference schema to store the recipient ID. While the physical key of the Recipient table is the “id” attribute, it is possible to determine a custom key in addition. Hello , 1. source/origin in recipient table and populate "AEM" as value from AEM in this field and use that to filter it from other recipients. Otherwise you to enrich it using enrichment activity first and than. If relevant, you can use the default Recipient table with the out-of-the-box fields, such as described in this section. This mode is costly in terms of calculation during log reconciliation. There are two methods for extending an existing schema: Modifying the source schema directly. This report combines the key indicators for tracking the behavior of recipients upon receiving the delivery such as open, click-through rates and click. The pre-defined Adobe Campaign data model includes the main tables listed below. Once identified, they can be removed from the quarantine list, and included in future Campaign email deliveries. A single interface provides you with all the functions required to schedule, orchestrate, configure, personalize, automate, execute, and measure all your campaigns and communications. This table has a number of pre-defined fields and tables that can be easily extended. It worked for me !!Database check. Courses Tutorials Certification Events Instructor-led training View all learning options. When creating a custom table, you have two options:All the profile data is maintained in the Adobe Campaign database. It must be reconciled to find the Shopper ID, which is the primary key. Here we want to sort account numbers in. The page talks about setting up a custom recipient table. Choose: Last name, First name, Email, City and Account number. If the recipient table is a custom table, additional configurations are required. The last page launches a preview of the data returned by the query. The Adobe Campaign database is the data source. From your External account, click the Enrich the formula… link to change the URL calculation formula to specify the Web analytics tool integration information (campaign IDs) and the domains of the sites whose activity must be tracked. Note that tab contents may no longer be changed once the delivery has been sent. To do this, you need to create the schema of the table and update the database structure to generate the corresponding table. Click the Send button and select the Postpone delivery option. This section details the principles for using a custom (or external) recipient table. Random field substitution lets you attribute a value from the recipient list to the seed addresses that are empty when the user uses this value in a delivery (example: name, city, etc. For more information, refer to Email rendering. These fields offer a button that opens a drop-down list to help you. consolidating tracking information). This report combines the key indicators for tracking the behavior of recipients upon receiving the delivery such as open, click-through rates and. Filter the data. List will keep on increasing if we keep on adding separate operator group for each communication. To sort the result set, specify the orderBy clause as an XML element with the sortDesc attribute. Create a new web application to access the custom table via the Adobe Campaign home page. In a multi-channel campaign, a single marketing communication uses multiple channels to reach a wider target audience. Adobe Campaign enables you to use the interactive AMP for Email format, which enables to send dynamic emails, under certain conditions. The only Pros is that campaign supports multiple recipient tables. Select Recipients>Title. The content of the country table will not be saved. A recipient can be related to several occurrences on the subscriptions table. Federated Data Access: Mix target data and base table data in delivery template. This is the most common case, with for example ‘recipient personalization fields’. For your case, it doesn't surprise me th. Learn how to use a custom recipient table. Add a Label. . You can also use the following activities to query and refine data from the database: Incremental query, Read list. 1. Learn how to create filters for a custom table With Adobe Campaign, you can use rich customer data to create, coordinate, and deliver dynamic campaigns that customers actually want — through email, mobile, offline channels, and more. It is the default table used for the recipients of deliveries. First, we need to target the week before the birthdate as the Validity start date with the following Expression: SubDays ( [target/@birthDate], 7). An Exclusion -type activity creates a target based on a main target from which one or more other targets are extracted. All the profile data is maintained in the Adobe Campaign database. Can you confirm that all your data (including custom fields) are part of the recipients table? Or do you use a different table - related to the recipients table - to store the brData? Let me know, FlorentVia Adobe I/O Runtime, Adobe’s serverless platform, marketers and developers can leverage Unified Profiles built-in AEP and then get that data into Adobe Campaign Classic. Refer to Step 2 - Choose data to extract. Use an external recipient table. Create a competition Web form with questions and a field for entering a friend’s contact information as shown below: The Your message field lets you enter a message for the referee. Extension table. Here we want to sort account numbers in descending order and names. It is the default table used for the recipients of deliveries. 2. To do this, select the Explicit option and select the delivery from the drop-down list of the Delivery field. Select Recipient>Other…. You can also specify whether the field is part of the reconciliation key which allows recipients that. Update: only update data. . CustomSchemasName. This table matches the nms:recipient schema. To create this example, apply the following steps: Click Tools > Generic query editor… and choose the Recipients (nms:recipient) table. Adobe Campaign lets you set up tools to encourage viral marketing.